Oz East Coast

Sunday 14th Dec, 2008 - Log 6884 nm

Time to get back to the boat which is currently docked at the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, and prepare it for a 2.1 day trip down to Sydney where the family all come up to see the New Years celebrations on Sydney Harbour. The fireworks display is regarded as one of the best in the world. (see pic Gallery)

Have been home in Melbourne for two weeks to attend to some business, see the kids, grandkids, get eyes tested, attend Xmas parties, sadly a funeral, and to see how Marg is progressing with the house renovations.

On my return I am looking forward to catching up with fellow N55 owner Mark Johnson, who has just arrived after steaming across the Pacific from Mexico in Myah.

Mark will be my first face to face meeting with a 55 owner and one who has gained so much experience out on the water.

I have a thousand questions and thoughts to discuss with him as it's been pretty lonely down under without a fellow 55 comrade in arms.

Plans are being finalised for our participation in the Van Diemens Land Circumnavigation around Tasmania commencing February 11th 2009, and lasting for 5 weeks.

This rally is for 45 boats who will see Tassie the way the locals know it and is run by my club, the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, in conjunction with the Royal Yacht Club of Geelong.

The trip will be over 780 nm and it has stringent rules of entry for safety due to the sometimes inhospitable areas such as the rugged west and south coasts, but we did it earlier this year in almost perfect conditions.

Spoke yesterday to Warrick and Maryonn who have just arrived back home after completing the Sail Indonesia Rally.

The report of their adventure held over 3 months in the company of 100 other boats was nothing but positively delightful, so our excitement is even more heightened as we join the 2009 Rally leaving from Darwin at the end of July.

Sail Indonesia Rally route

Sail Indonesia Map

Warrick and Maryonn have a 65' aluminium PH sailing boat and it is currently tied up in Langkawi, Malaysia, awaiting their return for still to be determined passages.

Circumnavigation of Tasmania


Oz East Coast


Oz East Coast