Skie at home

Nice haul of Rock Lobster

Nice haul of Rock Lobster

Now that SKIE is based in it's final home in Tasmania, she is becoming the mothership for fishing adventures around 44 S.

I have just purchased a serious fishing boat. It is an Offshore 24, Has a fully enclosed pilot house with a rear shed door which is perfect for Tassie climes, stuffed to the gunnels with fishing gear and next week she is having a pot puller installed. Best thing is that she has an inboard Yanmah diesel so can be refuelled from SKIE anywhere. She is also towed for long journeys with a simple 50 m line and I display "vessel under tow" balls from SKIE. Haven't got a name for her yet but may name her after my new dog. The Offshore 24 was designed for the Police and Coastguard and has a beautiful hull to tackle tough offshore water.

We are seeking Tuna and swordfish and anything else that wants to commit suicide on our gear.

I am planning to do a video of our trip across the bottom of Tassie in Feb which I will post on You Tube


Mon 14th Nov - Fishing in Tasmania