
May 1st, Port McNeill, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

We have just moored at Port McNiell which is at the top north east corner of Vancouver Island, and at the end of the famous Discovery Passage and Johnston Strait which separates the mainland from the island, and is approx 86 nm in distance.

These narrow waterways are prone to strong currents, particularly during spring tides, which was happening for us at the time, and dodging logs in the water kept us on our toes. The logs seem to gather on tide lines and some were the size of telegraph poles.

We decided to duck into Blind Channel Resort about half way up to escape the swirly eddies, and bunker down for the night to await morning. We were the only two boats at the resort as we are still pretty early in the season, but could imagine the hive of activity say in August. 


We have decided to spend 3 nights at Port McNiell as there is a bit of wind up in Queen Charlotte Strait, and for the Cape Caution rounding, but we still have time to get our friend Susan onto a plane in New Bella Bella on Hunter Is to fly down to Vancouver, to LA, then back to Melbourne.

We will miss her cheery disposition and laughter. I nicknamed her velcro as everytime Marg went on watch, she was never less than one pace away. Suzie became very proficient with her work on the foredeck, but miffed she couldn't be the navigator. I have seen her lost trying to find our property in her car back home with Sat Nav too many times to be fooled by this. 

SKIE hasn't missed a beat as usual (GBMJD - God bless my John Deere) and we are really enjoying the company of our travelling buddies John & Debbie Marshall, and their 3 dogs, and have shared some fine meals and wines together in great company.

John is our tour leader and does all the planning for routes and deadlines, which takes a little pressure off me as we just follow in his wake. One wrong call though and those that know me will know this will change, but John so far is a very competent mariner. 

Onwards & Upwards 



